Feeling high from Pokhara delights

Traveling is a huge interest of mine, to the point where it sometimes feels like getting on a bus when boarding a flight. The world has become so small as its so easy to get everywhere and every country is adapting to the global travelers and we can eat our home food on the other side of the globe.
Same, same but different is very often the case and we start to want to explore more as, at least I, want to see more local and different things.

That is not the case in Nepal, it never gets boring. This place throws me every time. Lets have a throw back to last week's adventure in western Nepal, Pokhara.

Last week we went to the lovely resort Pokhara. This is where the Nepali people also go on holiday as its far away from the dust and commotion in Kathmandu. The lake, the tranquility, the people.. the sunrise and sunset over the mountains always take my breath away, every time.

H, me and Little P about to board Yeti Airways to Pokhara

It is a 25 min flight to Pokhara and you get to see the Himalayan mountain range all the way there on a clear day, and we were very lucky with the weather. You won't see Everest as its too far east, but that doesn't really matter, it is breathtaking!

After just taking off, it is time to drop down and you land at this small cute airport and in a couple of minutes you are out in a taxi. The town is only 10 mins away and there is no traffic so it is just a pleasant journey. We had booked Mount Kailash resort for our stay and it was really nice located by the lakeside, although the end of it. After an early check-in, we started exploring the town and just like me, H and his family were taken away by the atmosphere and the views.

We went to the lake for a boat ride and decided to go with the paddling boats. Dorze and a local 13 year old boy took the job as our captains and started paddling.

The tranquility and calmness on the lake is so different from anything else, along with the scents of various burning offerings around the little island in the lake.
Just an amazing moment for all of us. Time to relax and sit back, embrace the surroundings and breath.

That is Pokhara for you.

View of Pokhara, Phewa lake and the Annapurna range from the Shanti stupa - no filter needed

 On the side of the lake is Ananda hill where the World    Peace Buddhist pagoda-style monument can be found. Shanti is sanskrit for peace, so Shanti stupa means Peace Pagoda. The spot 1100m high was chosen by a Buddhist monk who laid the foundation stone as well as the relics of Buddha in 1973. Of the 80 existing in the world, two of the Peace Pagodas are in Nepal, one in Pokhara and one in Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha
H and I with Buddha

We drove up most of the hill and walked the last maybe 100m to the top and was greeted by the panoramic view of the Annapurna mountain range, the lake and Pokhara town. Beauty that is hard to describe with photos but here above is a try.

 Around the top of the stupa are plenty of beautiful statues of Buddha, of his birthplace Lumbini etc.

The one definite Must-Do in Pokhara is to watch the sunrise from Sarankot.

Sarankot is a village on a 1600m hill on the side of Pokhara. From here, some of the big mountains of the Himalayas can be seen; Annapurna massif where the highest point is Annapurna 1, 8091m, Maccapuchere ("Fish's tail" due to its shape at the top) 6999m and a few more. A view you never get tired of.

View from Sarankot. Macchapuchere "Fish Tail mountain" in the middle. A holy mountain so it can not be climbed.

Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) 4,130m
As a trekker, I have my selected treks that are on my wish list and ABC-trek is one of them. After having done a similar 12day trek up to Everest Base Camp, I know its hard but doable. I am of course trying to wear this passion off on H so he can join me but he hasn't yet understood the joys of hills, altitude sickness and no showers for almost two weeks... So during the Pokhara trip we did something to tickle his appetite for higher peaks and endurance..

We decided to do a helicopter ride to ABC, a great chance to see the mountains and get the feeling of being up there, among the big ones. For me, this was an amazing experience, nothing like I have ever experienced due to the closeness to the mountains, peaks that were high above us but yet we could see them clearly. Each wrinkle in the mountain side was visible and I felt so close to Mother Earth. Very powerful.

Ready to leave!

H is much better than me at taking videos and photos, and he has kindly shared all with me.
This was an epic helicopter flight up to the Himalayas!

I get a lot of energy from the sun and the wind, and I take my chances to recharge when I can...
High up, closer to the sun and mountain tops, that is the place I love the most!

 Fish Tail mountain to the left, here the fish tail is quite visible.

  At the gate to Annapurna Base Camp. This is where the trekkers go through when they arrive.
The actual Camp for anyone climbing Annapurna is on the other side of the mountain, this is only for the trekkers.
Beautiful anyway :)
My love, I and the helicopter, 4,130m above sea level

 Loving this place, and I will make sure I trek to this place too. Will be a nice reunion.

Love and light,
Jen xx


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