Picnic and dry waterfalls

Jan 29 2018

Saturday Village picnic
My new Saturday habit is to go to the Farmers Market at Le Sherpa, north of the city. To indulge in all this fresh vegetables and exciting food (read: Momo's) is just a perfect start of the weekend.

This Saturday just gone, my dear friend Nima met up with me at the market which was really nice. I was glad that he had the time for me as he is nowadays the Hon. Member of Province Parliament, or Mr Congress Man as I call him. I think that is pretty cool, he is the only person I know in a parliament, and I am sure he will do a lot of good for his province.
This particular Saturday, he wanted to go to a village in his province for a picnic, he told me to come along.

Last time Nima told me to come along was in 2016. I ended up in a jeep with my sleeping bag and 5h later on disco roads as they are called, I was in his village Sermathang up in the mountains in Helambu region. As it happened, it was Nepali New Years Eve and I ended up celebrating with all the people in the village and a Danish trekking group. Bonfires and singing, and maybe some locally brewed alcohol..
Since that time, I never hesitate to tag along with Nima, as I never know where I end up but it usually ends up being an adventure!

Helambu Mountain Resort in Sermathang - amazing place and loads of treks around!

It wasn't as far away this time, only an hour drive out of Kathmandu, but we came out to the countryside and I realized how busy and noisy it is in the city. And how quiet and lovely it is outside.

At the picnic site there were lots of people, women dressed up in their local traditional clothing, mainly Yolmo, which are native residents from the Melamchi and Helambu valleys, which is where we were.
Men playing cards and just lots of people chatting and having a great time.

I met a lovely lady called Dolma who I spent most of the day with, she has lived 11 years in the US and traveled a lot. Now she has moved back to Kathmandu and hopes to move back to the village.. We agreed to meet soon again and most likely in the village, Sermathang.. I can't wait to go back!
Left, people in the line for the second serving of food..
I just love the local Nepali food, the spices, chillis.. yum!
Rice in some shape is usually always served, then a kind of lentil sauce, and here we had chicken and sliced potatoes in some kind of spicy sauce.
Yes, a carb feast with no end, but such a taste sensation!

There was lots of lovely food, tea, games being played where I also took part in the tug-of-war and I think the Scandi Viking muscles made a difference.. Yes, we won :)

After the picnic ended, Nima, myself and a couple of other friends went to explore the neighboring village. We parked the car and started walking up the dry river, and you can just imagine the power going through here during the monsoon season! Apparently the water is very high!

Sundarijal is a cute little village, this is a starting point for the Helambu trek as well, so many trekkers have walked through here.

I am always amazed to see the activity in these villages, as there are always teenage girls walking closely together whispering and giggling, or old people sitting outside watching the world go by.. 
I am sure they have the most peaceful and fulfilled lives one can think of.

We met goats out walking, where even one had a bandaged foot, but was still tagging along with his mates. 
These guys are cool, out on a Saturday evening walk :)

Big thick water pipes running down the hill next to the dry river bed, and next to the path leading towards the start of Helambu trek.

On the way back we passed this beautiful monastery. I just love these beautiful surprises in this country, popping up when you least expect them and they just make me happy.

Have a fab week!

Love & light,
Jen xx


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