Seeing hands touching souls

January 14, Patan, Nepal

Today I had a very special experience, I am so impressed by this initiative!
I went to a place called Seeing Hands, which is a social enterprise where they employ and train blind/visually impaired people as masseuses and masseurs. Fantastic idea, creating opportunities and providing great service.

Such a great idea and it made me so happy to read about this project so I instantly went there and booked 1h massage. And he was very good, he found all the million knots in my back and worked on them.. and the cost was £14 incl tip.. I can see that my back will get much better with this service on my doorstep. And I am even more happy to support such a great business - very well done to the person with that idea. This made me think a lot, there are endless opportunities out there even if some of us cant see them, literally, but they are there. 

Photos from Seeing Hands website

 Its now getting into the evening and I am going home. I have found this cool cafe across the road where they play great music and show Premier League football, so I am enjoying myself. But its so cold everywhere when the evening comes. My flat is even colder..
Have you ever gone to bed wrapped up in your warmest clothes, the woolly underwear, double woolly socks, hat and even gloves to be sure? That is me every night.
I usually do that on treks when its really cold and no insulation in the houses up in the mountains, but I have never done this before on a normal day, until now.
I know, all you guys back home that always comment on me never being cold, here I am:)

Keep warm guys!

Love and light,
Jen xx


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