Back in the Kathmandu on a different journey

January 8th, Kathmandu, Nepal

After a very late landing last night into Kathmandu from Delhi, a much quieter flight than the previous one, I checked in at my so far favorite hotel in Kathmandu, Tibet International. The hotel is located in the north east part of the city, Boudha. Quite near the airport, but most importantly its next door to the Boudhanath Stupa, the holiest Tibetan Buddhist temple outside of Tibet.

I simply love this place, especially at night when the monks and other people are walking around the stupa saying their prayers. It is such an atmosphere, and it even makes me rather emotional. I feel very naked and transparent in this place, I cant hide my inner self and that is hard but very good as it needs to get out in the open. Not only once have I cried in this place, just by the atmosphere and the impression it has on me. And I know that is a good thing.

This journey I am making is not just because I love the mountains and trekking in this place, it has a very spiritual meaning to me. And at the same time, being able to try to make a change for the children here, makes it just a win-win. And doing this when I don't have to focus on other things in my normal job, is just fantastic. I feel very lucky and grateful.

View of the Boudha stupa from Tibet International

I have often been asked if I am Buddhist, and the truth is that as a Swede I am born Christian, so the real answer would be no. I however believe a lot in the Buddhist and Hindu thoughts and values, as they simply make sense. All in all how I see it - be good and good will come to you. Don't be selfish, give to those who need. If your intention is to do good - good will happen.
To me, these values are so normal and common sense, but I only feel them around me in this part of the world. Maybe because people have less and give more? Greediness comes from those who already have more, and want more.

Tomorrow my love H and family will arrive around midday, can't really wait to see him again! Funny how romance plays with your heart and mind, even when you are a full-grown adult. I feel like a young teenager when thinking about him, butterflies and all that, so I guess that means my heart has found a good home. So grateful and so happy.

Love and light,
Jen xx


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